About us

Stockholm Wide Open Badminton Club is arranging international LGBTQ+ tournaments in Stockholm Sweden. The aim is to arrange one international tournament per year for LGBTQ+ people and our friends. The club is organised by members of Stockholm All Stripes Badminton Section. The club is run by a volunteer committee and are non-profitable. All excess is invested in future tournaments.
Stockholm All Stripes Badminton Section is a badminton club for LGBTQ+ people and our friends who meets once per week at Stockholm Badmintonstadion Skanstull in central Stockholm. We train every Sunday at 13:30 to 16.30. Alongside training and exercise we prioritise social activities together as a club.
We welcome everyone from beginners to more advanced players. Don´t hesitate to come and play with us.
Stockholm All Stripes Badminton Section is a part of Stockholm All Stripes that is a LGBTQ+ sports club that organises a number of sports in Stockholm.