
Stockholm Wide Open tournament 2025 is a unisex, badminton tournament hosted by Stockholm All Stripes Badminton.
Events: Unisex Doubles and Singles
Levels: A, B+, B-, C+, C-.
All levels play with natural feather shuttles.
You need an account on (free) in order to register your entry. Registration is individual. If you have not had a double partner, you can write <Partner wanted> and we will try our best to find you one.
Registration fee includes welcome drinks on Friday, tournament playing with feather shuttles, snacks during games and lunch on Saturday doubles games!
There will be round-robin playing in pools and knock-out rounds. At least from the KO-rounds onwards matches are “best of three”.
Fairness and level classification
In order to guarantee an exciting, entertaining and fair tournament, please ensure your level classification fairly and correctly reflects your ability. The following criteria have been set for classification in Stockholm::
1.1. The team’s level will be determined solely on the basis of the better player’s level classification and results at LGBT* tournaments (singles and doubles) in the years 2021/2022/2023/2024/2025. Involvement in mixed or senator competitions will not be considered. It is the responsibility of each player/club to ensure that their classification is correct and their responsibility to inform the organization committee that their categorisation / grading needs to be amended at the earliest opportunity
1.2. Gold medalists (first place) at tournaments with 200 participants or more, for example EuroGames, Gay Games, Frankfurt, Goslings, Hamburg,… in the years above are obliged to play in a classification level higher.
Gold medalists of previous Wide Open are obliged to play in a classification level higher.
1.3. The award of five medals (first to third places) at any LGBT* tournaments in the years above shall likewise result in a higher level classification.
1.4. The organization committee reserves the right to move players to the classification that reflects their ability.
2.1. If your have a doubles partner already before registration, enter the name and e-mail of your doubles partner upon registration to make sure we match you correctly. If you don’e have partner yet, put <Partner wanted> in Partner name of the doubles event.
2.2. To ensure that you will not compete against players from your own sport club or team during the earlier stages of the tournament, please include the name of your sports club or team in the registration form for the tournament.
2.3. Registration withdrawal> If you withdraw your registration before the withdrawal deadline June 1st, 90% will be refunded. Otherwise, no refund!
Personal data
The personal data of the registrants will be used for the realization of the Stockholm Wide Open tournament up to the creation and publication of tournament schedules with first and last name, country, club, discipline and level as well as results also at online-based, publicly accessible tournament systems ( or similar).
Having filled out and sent the registration form for the Wide Open 2024, including the contact details, the registrant grants their consent to the provision of their provided personal data to the organizer, to the processing of such data by the organizer in the scope necessary for the tournament.
The organization committee reserves the right to make changes to the tournament schedule, to combine or divide classification levels and to reclassify individual players or teams.